Sample notebook is having problem

  1. While exploring:
    found the methods show_grayscale(), show_config(), show_pins() are not working. Please help me to fix this.
  2. Is there any ways to get the ATOM list/configuration from the QUBO?

Thanks for trying out UnitDiskMapping.jl!

  1. While exploring:
    found the methods show_grayscale(), show_config(), show_pins() are not working. Please help me to fix this.

Can you provide the error messages that come up when you run those functions?

Use the Block Quote option when pasting those error messages, thanks!

  1. Is there any ways to get the ATOM list/configuration from the QUBO?

Once you have G (the graph that was created by the embedding for your QUBO problem) you can call the following to get the coordinates:

locs = coordinates(G)

Let me know if this works.

1 Like
qubo_graph, qubo_weights = UnitDiskMapping.graph_and_weights(qubo.grid_graph)
locs = coordinates(qubo_graph)

This code is giving error

MethodError: no method matching coordinates(::SimpleGraph{Int64})

Closest candidates are:
   @ UnitDiskMapping ~/.julia/packages/UnitDiskMapping/gcgPy/src/Core.jl:78
   @ UnitDiskMapping ~/.julia/packages/UnitDiskMapping/gcgPy/src/mapping.jl:71

 [1] top-level scope
   @ ~/Programs/Hardware Tracks/QuEra/codes/bloqade/bloqade_julia/bloqade3.ipynb:1